Up Coming
Centennial of Flight
Up Coming
Centennial of Flight
Movie Night at The John M. Cuelenaere Public Library
125 12th Street East in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Movie Night at The John M. Cuelenaere Public Library
125 12th Street East in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
MARCH 27th @ 7:00 P.M.  The Battle of Britain
In 1940, the British Royal Air Force fights a desperate battle vs. the Nazi Germany Air Force for control of British air space to prevent a Nazi invasion of Britain.
              APRIL 24th @ 7:00 P.M.  Captains of the Clouds
In 1942, Canada had been at war with the Axis Powers for over two years.  Inspired by Churcill's Dunkirk speech, brash, undisciplined bush pilot Brian MacLean and three friends enlist in the RCAF but are deemed too old to be fliers.  The films ends with an epilogue chronicling the contributions of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) to the making of the film.
Airshow Air Ops signing in.

We will be doing daily reports from now until Sunday August 5 = "A" Day.
So this is "A" DAY MINUS 11 and counting!

We have captured our own Weatherguy and will be posting his prognostications from here on in (prognosticate = to foretell or prophesy the future, no simple forecasts here!).

Our first aircraft is scheduled to arrive the afternoon of August 1 and Weatherguy is saying the weather will be unsetlled that day (after several nice days). After that the crystal ball is a bit hazy and he won't commit to anything!

Our airplane count is 45 right now, although two are a bit iffy. (We are talking about a lot of old airplane and we hope they all get here!) We will fly 16 of them in the air performance if everything falls into place. If the forest fire situation allows, four of them with air tankers doing demo drops.

Drop by tomorrow for an update!

Air Ops signing out